The Marginal Service Batch Subtitle Indonesia
2023-07-25 16:06:29
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Informasi Anime
- Genre : Action, Sci-Fi
- Seasons : Spring 2023
- Producers: Cygames, dugout
- Type: TV Series
- Status: Completed
- Total Episode: 12
- Score: 5.47
- Duration: 22 min. per ep.
- Released on: Apr 12, 2023
Sinopsis : The Marginal Service
The Marginal Service Anime orisinal garapan Studio 3Hz. Situs resminya belum mempublikasikan detail ceritanya, tetapi dalam cuplikan PV memperlihatkan aksi laga para karakter melawan makhluk tak dikenal.
Credit : Otakudesu
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Link Download BATCH The Marginal Service
Download The Marginal Service Batch Subtitle Indonesia
- 360P Google Sharer | Google Drive | Pixeldrain | Doodrive | | UpToBox
- 480P Google Sharer | Google Drive | Pixeldrain | Doodrive | | UpToBox
- 720P Google Sharer | Google Drive | Pixeldrain | Doodrive | | UpToBox
- 1080P Google Sharer | Google Drive | Pixeldrain | Doodrive | | UpToBox
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