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RPG Fudousan Episode 1 - 12 Subtitle Indonesia
RPG Fudousan Episode 1 - 12 Subtitle Indonesia - Neonime | OtakuPoi

RPG Fudousan

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2022-06-23 07:03:10
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General information

Original nameRPG不動産

Sinopsis dari anime RPG Fudousan Subtitle Indonesia

The story begins 15 years after the demon king was defeated and the world has become peaceful. Kotone, who graduated from school and became a magician, inquired about the kingdom-affiliated RPG Real Estate in order to find a new home. In reality, RPG Real Estate was Kotone’s place of employment, and together with Fa, a demi-human, the priest Rufuria, and the soldier Rakira, they help support the searches of new homes for the customers with various circumstances.

Japanese: RPG不動産
English: RPG Real Estate
Airs On
Release Year
Release Season
Firt air date
Episode runtime24 min
TV StatusOnGoing
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